fredag 23. januar 2015

Review about Disconnect

The film shows us the negative sides of communication technology. How it can cause for example bullying and people breaking apart. The film has different stories about different people who experiences the bad side of technology. This film also involves suicide, which is a very serious matter.

My opinion about these issues presented in the film is that you should never trust people online you don't know. And it is not very smart to send pictures over the web because you never know where they might end up. After just a few seconds these pictures and messages are all over the world and everyone can see them.

The film was good, but I think it was a bit "terrifying". It did a good job showing us whats really happening out there, and how serious it can get. But that also made it very serious and frightening, that just a simple facebook chat can turn into suicide.

The story about Ben Boyd and how he struggled being bullied made the biggest impression on me. Such stories are the worst to hear about because those stories just should not exist.

onsdag 21. januar 2015


They are trying to come up with many positive things about technology. You can play games online, meet new friends and even find the love of your life. Technology makes a normal day so much easier with this new technology.

I really agree with all of the texts, technology makes everything a whole lot easier. You can order clothes, makeup, shoes and even food with just one little click.
At school we use technology in almost every class. We use E-books, and for example the Word programs.When I'm at home i use technology when I watch TV, or just using Facebook.
My opinion is that technology is very helpful and genius.